We want to hear your feedback! Submit your Questions, Ideas, Suggestions, and Problems.

New Apprentice - cannot create new projects

Carmsie Melodie vor 9 Jahren aktualisiert vor 9 Jahren 0

Hi there,

I am a noob. I have your software and all seems fine except that it freezes when I try to open/create a new app (book, card, etc). The new app icon shows on my bookshelf but cannot be opened. When it's clicked, I get a message saying the app needs to be updated and it may take some time depending on my net speed. However, after this nothing further happens. The timeline indicating the update's progress just stops. I'm using Win10. Any help would be appreciated.

Here's a copy of the error code I was also given:

InteractBuilder Version: 4.0 Build 390
Device: System Product Name
Processor: 1 Processor(s) Installed.
[01]: Intel64 Family 6 Model 58 Stepping 9 GenuineIntel ~3201 Mhz
Memory: 16,329 MB
System: NT 6.2

An error occurred while accessing the database.

An error occurred while accessing the database.

Database Error: near "AND": syntax error
Query: close

image id 11989927 of group id 4893680 of group id 4893080 of card id 1002 of stack "C:/Program Files (x86)/InteractBuilder/Local Components/Data/InteractBuilder.livecode",mouseUp,62,button id 1020 of stack "Behaviors" of stack "C:/Program Files (x86)/InteractBuilder/Local Components/Data/InteractBuilder.livecode"
card id 1002 of stack "C:/Program Files (x86)/InteractBuilder/Local Components/Data/InteractBuilder.livecode",LoadApp,1514,button id 1007 of group id 1010 of card id 1002 of stack "Behaviors" of stack "C:/Program Files (x86)/InteractBuilder/Local Components/Data/InteractBuilder.livecode"
stack "libApp" of stack "C:/Program Files (x86)/InteractBuilder/Local Components/Data/InteractBuilder.livecode",ExportApp,6085
stack "C:/Program Files (x86)/InteractBuilder/Local Components/Data/InteractBuilder.livecode",Book_UpdateAudio,1654,button id 1004 of card id 1002 of stack "Behaviors" of stack "C:/Program Files (x86)/InteractBuilder/Local Components/Data/InteractBuilder.livecode"
stack "libApp" of stack "C:/Program Files (x86)/InteractBuilder/Local Components/Data/InteractBuilder.livecode",CheckDBErr,9459
stack "C:/Program Files (x86)/InteractBuilder/Local Components/Data/InteractBuilder.livecode",DoError,16190,button id 1004 of card id 1002 of stack "Behaviors" of stack "C:/Program Files (x86)/InteractBuilder/Local Components/Data/InteractBuilder.livecode


Trying to play a tap action only after a series of animations occur on page load.

Blacarte vor 9 Jahren 0

I have animations that play when my page loads. I also have elements on that same page that the reader can tap. I only want the tap to be activated when the animations are finished playing. I tried to chain the tap interaction to the end of the page load animation set but when I do this the interaction changes from tap to none.


Can't load audio to page

Ranco vor 11 Jahren aktualisiert von Ezra Weinstein (Administrator) vor 11 Jahren 1

It doesn't stick, and in some pages memory seems corrupted.

See this screen capture clip:




A couple of recommendations:

1. For now try first changing to the page itself before changing audio

2. If you continue to have problems, instead of the using the page audio, setup an action set on any element on the page and have it setup so it runs on Page Load.  This will provide you the same feature as using the Page Audio.

We will investigate this further and provide a fix as part of version 3.3


Can't find InteractPlayer on itunes

Michele Bendrick Jack vor 10 Jahren aktualisiert von Inna Komarovsky vor 10 Jahren 1
Hi. This feels like a real numpty question: I can't find the InteractPlayer for ipad on the US app store. I'm in the UK, but have a US iTunes account and can search the store just fine. What am I missing?


Inna Komarovsky vor 10 Jahren
Hi Michele,
We've made updates to the way an app is previewed so that now the InteractPlayer app is not necessary. When you want to preview an app on your computer or on a mobile device, you upload your app using the Interact button, and you can view your updates by going to interactplayer.com on a browser and logging in with the same email address and password with which you have registered the InteractBuilder software.

If you haven't set up an email address and password in InteractBuilder, you can find the steps for doing so here: Registering InteractBuilder.

For more detail about previewing your app in a web browser, you can check out the steps here: How to Preview an App.
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speed of app on iPad

winsomeworks vor 10 Jahren aktualisiert vor 10 Jahren 3
I have finished my app and I am wondering why the speed of the animations in my app perform differently on the IPAD vs on my computer?  On my computer they work much faster and they drag on my IPAD?  Is this only a website problem that will not show up in the finished app on iTunes?
Inna Komarovsky vor 10 Jahren
Hi, I wasn't aware of this difference, so I'm going to look into it. Are they transition animations or frame animations? Which browsers do you use on your desktop and on the iPad?
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Insert html / embed video from vimeo or youtube

Stine Winther vor 10 Jahren aktualisiert vor 10 Jahren 2
I can't see that it is possible to write your own html code?
It would be a fantastic feature if you ex. could embed videos from vimeo or youtube instead of creating a big app with video content.

Desite from that, I really think that interactbuilder has so many possibilities!

Kind regards, Stine Winther, Denmark
Inna Komarovsky vor 10 Jahren
Hi Stine,

We'll definitely take that idea into account. Thanks!

At this point, there isn't a way to use html in InteractBuilder. To include YouTube videos without including a video file with the app, one alternative for now is to link to a YouTube page using a Browse behavior or have the page show within a browser element.

Thanks again for the feedback!
Inna Komarovsky

Need "None" Option added to Select Behavior Group

Charmaine Anderson vor 11 Jahren aktualisiert von Ezra Weinstein (Administrator) vor 11 Jahren 0

It would be nice to be able to reset the behavior back to None using the Select Behavior Group panel as this option isn't available. For example, on an On Drag End action one could possibly stop drawing a color on a coloring book page.


We can't really see a "NONE" behavior working in the app based on how we have implemented the interface.  There is usually a STOP behavior that corresponds to the behavior (e.g. StopBlink).


Can you build on computer and play work in progress on iPad for free

Sheila Graber vor 11 Jahren aktualisiert von Inna Komarovsky vor 11 Jahren 10
how to build on computer and play work in progress on iPad- do you have to use interact cloud ? or is there another way - love the software but cannot test it - driving me nuts have tried everything - please advise.
Inna Komarovsky vor 11 Jahren
Hi Sheila!
Yes, everyone using the free software can try out their apps on their device before the app is finished or published. Here are our instructions for this process, which we call "sharing:"
Share Your App

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stopAudio behavior oddly inconsistent

SeanB vor 10 Jahren aktualisiert vor 10 Jahren 2
Not sure if this is a bug. Prior to the latest release, build 388, I had a "stopAudio" (Inna's suggestion) on my initial sentence taps, with a chained "playAudio". This was to prevent multiple clicks causing an echo effect firing off repeated playbacks. I don't want to use "stop all audio".

As of 388 I must remove that stopAudio in order for the playAudio to work. It now nicely ignores subsequent clicks WHILE the audio is playing back. Excellent.

BUT, behavior changes for hidden sentence #2. Once I tap something that hides #1, and shows #2, I must keep the "stopAudio" for tap on sentence #2, with playAudio chained to it. In this case stopAudio does not prevent the playback of the sentence #2, BUT it is now required to prevent multi-tap firing repeated "echo" playbacks.

In short, I can achieve what I want, but it is strange that behavior differs between the 1st - visible - sentence and the 2nd - hidden - sentence. It'd be nice if sentence #2 playback was also smart enough to block repeated playbacks while a playback is in progress.
Searching answer

Can you build on both PC and iMac? Server won't sync.

SeanB vor 10 Jahren aktualisiert vor 10 Jahren 4
I have been working on my book on a PC. I duplicated that book, then switched to Mac via dropbox. I am able to edit the copy book fine in IB. The problem is I cannot get this book to synch with the server for Interact mode. It seems to time out. I have logged into interactplayer.com no problem. Other smaller books created directly on my iMac have no problem syncing.
Inna Komarovsky vor 10 Jahren
Hi Sean,
The same app should be able to open on both PC and Mac. I have a few questions to see if we can find where the problem might be:

Do you have your app opening directly from Dropbox (setting your default app folder to be the Dropbox folder that contains the app folder)?

Is the original (not duplicated) app on Dropbox?

Are you using the same InteractBuilder account on both computers?