Action set - yet another bug?
When adding multiple actions without setting the interaction (because I want to chain them later on), when I then enter the action set manager, I can't see all the actions.
See this example:
please advise how to get around this,
To separate the action sets in the Action Set Manager, indent the selected action set as if you want that group of action sets to be chained after another (click the action set to select it, and then click the arrow that moves it to the right). This will make the action sets listed separately, and you can then control each one.
Vertical shift in path transition ("Animate" Action)
See example:
Path planning:
And final result - the cook jumps up and moves along a path higher than planned:
Please advise,
SaveNotes or SaveText
Crossover from computer to Ipad Builder
I watched the video about picking up a book on the ipad builder after working from a computer. The video shows the option to get aps from the settings tool on top, but it doesn't appear in mine. I have the latest version of everything.
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I am able to get my aps on the Player, but don't see any option in the Ipad Builder.
Hi Melissa, yes it is possible to get your app from your computer on your iPad builder. To do so you must: upload your app to the InteractCloud by right-clicking on the App in InteractBuilder on the desktop and choose upload to InteractCloud.
Then on the iPad, you can download the app from the cloud ( option found under the Account menu on the far right when you're in the Manage screen) into Builder on the iPad.
Deleting a chained action set via the manager bug
Deleting a chained action leaves a blank action. This is how it looks when you delete the 2nd out of 5 chained actions
When applying the changes, this is what you get - 4 actions from which only 3 are accessible:
Now I'm stuck - probably have to redo everything...
Publish > More Info Screen loads very slowly
FYI, I installed the latest version of the app you emailed to me and noticed when I click Publish > More Info button, the Memberhhip Info screen takes a long time to load your content… gives the illusion there is a bug, when its just slow loading the content. I'm using a wireless connection so that could be the cause. Thought you should know.
ABC Tutor Published
Apple/Google Play Accounts:
shape distortion
Bookcase image
Bookcase image says "(not set)" although it is.
Once I select an image, it says "(set)" but changes the (not set) the next time.
BTW, I tried sending feedback directly from the app and got an error:
Did you tried in the newest IB3 version? I was not able to recreate this. I was able to change the Bookcase Image and it said "set" and didn't go back. Also I was able to send feedback.
Page turn delay
In Interact Builder-Interact mode the delay is about 1 second.
In Interact Player the delay is about 2 seconds.
Is this something that will improve once the app is published to the iTunes Store or Android market? The kids testing my app are frustrated with these delays and are losing interest.
Other (non-Interact Builder) kids apps that I use respond pretty much instantaneously. I also looked at the "About Airports" app built with Interact Builder, and the pages take about .5 seconds with a curl effect.
My book is 27 pages, fairly simple animations, 46 MB.
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