
Duplicate Page Bug

Charmaine Anderson 11 years ago updated by Alin Alexandru Matei 11 years ago 0

When I try to copy a page using the page manager I get the error message below and it won't duplicate a page.  (Perhaps you can reproduce using the test app I sent to Alin recently. I tried duplicating one of my stickers pages (35) as the actions aren't saving reliably again and I was hoping to copy a page that I did get to work and swap the graphics.)

Thanks for looking into this.


InteractBuilder Version: 3.2 Build 311

Device: MacBook Pro

Processor: Intel Core i7

Memory: 4 GB

System: 10.7.5


An error occurred while accessing the database.

An error occurred while accessing the database.

Database Error: 9 values for 28 columns

Query: INSERT INTO PageElements (Id,BookId,PageId,Type,LocationX,LocationY,ImageWidth,ImageHeight,Text,FontName,FontSize,FontBold,FontColor,Visible,FileName,SequenceNumber,RandomGroup,Narration,Global,HighlightColor,HighlightWordDuration,HighlightPeriodDuration,Name,Opacity,FontStyle,VisibleInBuilder,ScrollableBackground,FrameSetId) VALUES ('3439','100','102','T','429','633','171','59','BQAAAAEFAAAAvDEAAAAAAQUAAACwcnVucwAAAAABBQAAAKExAAAAAAMFAAAAYnN0eWxlAAAA')

line 9 of handler "mouseUp" of graphic "MP_Apply" of group "_ManagePagesDialog" of group "ManagePagesDialog" of card "Design" of stack "InteractBuilder"

line 245 of handler "ManagePages_Apply" of group "ManagePagesDialog" of card "Design" of stack "InteractBuilder" of behavior button "ManagePages B" of card id 1002 of stack "Behaviors"

line 5129 of handler "ibTransDB" of stack "libApp" of stack "libApp"

line 5087 of handler "CheckDBErr" of stack "libApp" of stack "libApp"

line 11608 of handler "DoError" of stack "InteractBuilder" of behavior button "Stack B" of card id 1002 of stack "Behaviors"



We are working to fix this.


We are working to fix this.