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Not a bug

interactplayer link in sharing email still not working

Mark Weinstein 11 years ago updated by Ezra Weinstein (Administrator) 11 years ago 0
I know this problem has been mentioned before... I shared an app with someone and they tell me the link in the email from you guys to download IP for ipad doesn't do anything. I told her she has to go to the app store and download it from there, but some people aren't too tech savvy (even to do that!)

We verified the link and it points to:


Which opens up from our iPad.  Keep in mind we are waiting for Apple to approve the latest InteractPlayer, so maybe this is part of the problem.  Once the new version is out please try again and let us know if you run into any other issues.  I'll mark this as "Not  a Bug" for now.

How do you get back to the bookcase in interactplayer (ipad)?

Mark Weinstein 11 years ago updated by Alin Alexandru Matei 11 years ago 0
When viewing your app on an ipad, how do you get back to the bookcase? I've been closing the IP program (using the double tap on the button on the ipad frame and closing it there) Then I reopen IP to get to the bookcase again. Is there a less cumbersome way to do this?
Alin Alexandru Matei 11 years ago
Hi Mark, you have to options here:
1) You either add a new element with a Jump behavior with Target: Close App.
2) You can navigate to the first page and tap on the left corners (like going to a prev page) or last page and tap on the right corners (like going to a next page).

layers and animations

Melissa Lind 11 years ago updated by Inna Komarovsky 10 years ago 4
I dont know if this is possible, but it would be great to have. I've got a couple animations that go across the screen and so the footprint of the animation is pretty large. When I have any layers behind the animation I'm unable to do any interactions with them because of the animation footprint is still blocking it, even when the animation is off the page. Maybe it's not possible, but I thought I'd suggest it just in case. Or maybe there is a work around?


Drag Erase Crashes My App

Data Command 11 years ago updated by Alin Alexandru Matei 11 years ago 2
This is a bug specific to my app:  "DD & Daddy's Big Night Out"
Page Title: Page 6 – There is a drag erase behavior on the limo-block layer that shows that DD and Daddy are talking about a limo. In the builder it works fine. In the player on the iPad there are black artifacts on the screen and continuing to drag the finger will crash the app.  The Drag Erase works in Interact Mode, but crashes in the app.
Alin Alexandru Matei 11 years ago
We were able to recreate this problem. There are some bugs regarding Drag-Erase which will be fixed as soon as possible. Thank you for the feedback.
Not a bug

bug and idea - Action Manager Not remembering changes

SeanB 11 years ago updated by Alin Alexandru Matei 11 years ago 0
Please see bottom for workaround request.

Action Manager is abandoning my changes to order and hierarchical actions. I am going to have to drop many advanced behaviors I wanted to use if I cannot get actions to work in order expected, and get the manager to remember my changes.

I have 3 accessoriy items on the left, hidden to start. When 3 other items are clicked, each will make one of the 3 accessories appear. When an accessory is clicked, it is supposed to
Tap > hide self (accessory at left)
Tap  > show mirror accessory at right
    |_  increment a counter
         |_ display a counter
             |_ check if counter is at 3. If so, hide all the right accessories and show a new state.

I cannot get the hide to work - it keeps getting cut off and I have to tap a second time. So I try to go back to this - all nested under a single tap.

Tap > hide self
|_ show mirror accessory at right
|_ increment a counter
|_ display a counter
|_ check if counter is at 3. If so, hide all the right accessories and show a new state.

IB will NOT let me nest the show under the hide! Next time I close/reopen the Actions Manager

Tap > hide self
Tap > show mirror accessory at right
|_ increment a counter
|_ display a counter
|_ check if counter is at 3. If so, hide all the right accessories and show a new state.

I switched the fadeIn first, and now it will keep the nested fades - why now? But the fade out still does not happen.

 Tap > fade in mirror
        |_ fade out self
        |_ show mirror accessory at right
        |_ increment a counter
        |_ display a counter
        |_ check if counter is at 3. If so, hide all the right accessories and show a new state.

I first tried a single "move" of the accessory but then that still leaves me with need to fade it out, and fade in the mirror after the move - because I can't remove the tap event handler on the 1st element. I only want it to be used once.

At this point I cannot use my counter process to have the page respond to the user successfully completing 3 required actions, and reward them with a new animation). And that lessens the complexity and quality of my book :(.

Possible workaround request: 
A new behavior - Remove Tap - so user can only tap an item once.

Alin Alexandru Matei 11 years ago
Here is a sample app for this situation. A solution for the idea of removing the Tap of an element is to have a transparent PNG that covers that element:
346 - Counter app.zip

The sample app idea if I understood correctly your situation: Tap A element Hide self, Show A' (which is the right side as an accessories), Increment and Display Counter then if Counter is 3 the accessories in the right side ( which are group 2) will hide and elements on the left side (which are group 1) will show. These behaviors are made for B and C to. To prevent the user for tapping them again I used transparent PNG to cover the elements on the left side with a Tap-Show for every element.
Not a bug

Set Opacity Not working

Charmaine Anderson 11 years ago updated by Alin Alexandru Matei 11 years ago 0
Hi guys,

I noticed the Set Opacity feature isn't working anymore, I have an animated .png element transition across the screen and on Tap I had Set Opacity to 50% and on double Tap return it to 100% opacity.  This was working before but doesn't seem to be working in the latest release of IB3. Thought you should know.

Alin Alexandru Matei 11 years ago
I tried to recreate this situation but everything worked ok for me as shown in the attached sample app.
333 - Opacity animated element.zip
Could you tell us on what OS and on what version and build of InteractBuilder are you experiencing this situation?

MAJOR BLOCKING BUG - element A animating B breaks B's animation

SeanB 11 years ago updated by Inna Komarovsky 10 years ago 8
TAP element A which is a frame animation, it animates.

CHAIN ANIMATION of element B to occur after that animation.

My element B is also a frame animation, a series of PNGs showing an item drop to the floor and bounce.

Expected: I see my item drop to the floor and bounce, and stay there.

ACTUAL: My element B flies off to the left and sticks to the left wall.

TAP element B directly (because I had a tap on it originally) and it animates as expected.

Why is chaining animation of self-then-another-element breaking the animation of the other element?

This is a blocking issue for me as I have several complicated chained events I need to develop.
Inna Komarovsky 10 years ago
Did you try remaking the animations? I create a sample app and everything worked great:
328 - Chained frame animations.zip

Design doesn't work when coming back from InteractMode

Ranco 11 years ago updated by Ezra Weinstein (Administrator) 11 years ago 0
Many times (since 3.4), when I switch back to design mode, there's nothing I can do. I can select an element, but the property window doesn't open. Have to get back to "Manage" in order to continue. Can't give a specific scenario, it simply happens after a few minutes of work. I'm working 30 min today and already 3 times .
Sorry for the delayed response on this.  We are releasing an update today that hopefully will fix this issue.  We were not able to replicate this problem over here, so we are not 100% certain it will be fixed.  Let us know once you install the new version if the problem persists.  For now I will mark this as "Fixed".

drag animation into builder and have it stay in order

Ann K AlteredEssence 11 years ago updated by Alin Alexandru Matei 11 years ago 2
Still when I drag in an animation from a file into the builder as an animation it brings all the layers in but all mixed up.  I have to replace many of my animations since this last build and the layers are still coming in all mixed up.  not a big issue when there are a few layers but when there are 20+ it takes a long time to rearrange them.  Is there a trick to have them come in order?
Alin Alexandru Matei 11 years ago
To drag the frames in the correct order you order them like: 001, 002,003... select all and you start dragging from frame 001. So with all of them selected drag them into the builder by performing the drag action to the first frame.
For the second problem try to delete that frame element, remove the frames from the builder folder and try importing them again.
Under review

Flip not working in Player (PC version)

Judy K. Johnson 11 years ago updated by Alin Alexandru Matei 11 years ago 0
I work on a P.C.  I have just downloaded 3.4 Builder and Player this morning.  In Builder I have an animation that is made up of two pings.  It is a tadpole swimming.  The first image bends the tadpole to the right and the second image bends the tadpole to the left.  When played it looks like the tadpole is swimming.  In Design I set up a linear animation which bounces.  I indicated that flip should be activated.  In Interact, the animation is perfect.  The tadpole swims to one side then flips and swims to the other side.  However, when I share to Player, the flip does not work.  So the animation looks as if the tadpole swims to one side and then swims backwards to the other side.  When I publish the app will the animation work correctly as in Builder - Interact or incorrectly as in Player?
Alin Alexandru Matei 11 years ago
Could you create a sample one page app with only that animation and send it over alin@interactstudios.com so we can check what it's not working. I tried to recreate this problem but the invert option is working as it should in InteractPlayer.