Google Font install tutorial?
Could you please add a tutorial on your user guide on how to install Google Fonts into IB4? I went to google.com/fonts but it appears they just provide html code to embed on your webpage as opposed to downloading and installing the font on one's computer. Do we have to paste the html code on your player page or something?
Thanks much!
Thanks much!

In the recent Webcast I thought Ezra said this would be possible in version 4? Thanks for checking.

Will be answered
Hi Charmaine,
I'm currently putting together the instructions for downloading Google fonts to use in InteractBuilder. The quick answer is that when you're viewing a font that you've added to your collection in Google Fonts, you can click the arrow to download it. I'll post a link here once the guide is online

I'm currently putting together the instructions for downloading Google fonts to use in InteractBuilder. The quick answer is that when you're viewing a font that you've added to your collection in Google Fonts, you can click the arrow to download it. I'll post a link here once the guide is online

Charmaine, don't waste your time going through each page of your app and changing fonts. I still have it on my to do list to automatically update your fonts. I don't want you to have to go through all the work, we will do it for you and send you an updated file. Give me just a few more days.

Gee thanks Ezra, I know how busy you are and appreciate this kindness! I haven't made any updates as I also have had issues synching but know you'll get it worked out when you can and saw that you'll be releasing a new build in the near future.

This feature is going to be amazing, can't wait to see what it can do!

Hi Eleisha, actually this feature is working currently, so you can download fonts from Google Fonts and use them in your app : )

I have selected a font from Google Fonts (Inconsolata), installed it on my Windows 7 PC, restarted the PC and confirmed that it is select-able from several other applications, but it does not show up as an option in InteractBuilder (I am using the latest version, and have logged in and out just to be sure). Here is a screen shot to aid debugging.

Noticed that under 'Font Embeddability', the entry is blank. I wonder if this is noteworthy. However, the font preview works ok. 

On WIndows 7, the font can be installed by dragging the unzipped folder downloaded from Google into the PC's font folder. There seem to be no further options once it is installed.

Hi Ted,
I tried downloading the same font just now, and it worked on my Mac, so it might have to do with Windows or the download process. When you move the font to your "Fonts" folder, make sure to move the ".ttf" file within the folder, and not the whole folder. (The folder includes three files: "OFL.txt," "Inconsolata-Bold.ttf," and "Inconsolata-Regular.ttf.") When you do this, make sure that InteractBuilder is not open.
Let me know how it goes : )
I tried downloading the same font just now, and it worked on my Mac, so it might have to do with Windows or the download process. When you move the font to your "Fonts" folder, make sure to move the ".ttf" file within the folder, and not the whole folder. (The folder includes three files: "OFL.txt," "Inconsolata-Bold.ttf," and "Inconsolata-Regular.ttf.") When you do this, make sure that InteractBuilder is not open.
Let me know how it goes : )

Just tried it with 'Permanent Marker' (the same one used in Inna's Guide). It's not showing up either. I have followed all of the instructions quite specifically, Would like to know if any Windows 7 users are having success :-)

Also noticed a few days ago when selecting fonts that even though 'Advent Pro' and 'Alegrea Sans' are on the list, when I select them it keeps defaulting to 'Sergoe UI'.

It seems that I can't install the OFL.txt file on Windows, I'm getting an error that it wasn't installed.

That's just a license text file - it's only the TTF files that have to be installed in the fonts folder

I've downloaded Inconsolata font also, installed it but I can's use it in InteractBuilder. I can't select it as a font in InteractBuilder.

Alin, are you able to use 'Advent Pro' and 'Alegrea Sans' (if they are selectable from the drop down list on InteractBuilder?)

Those fonts were already part of InteractBuilder, but I don't know how they got there :-) Thanks, Alin - is there a default font set that comes with the builder?

I see them in the drop down list but I can't use them. I'm not able to select another font other then the default one. So I will state this as a bug and let out lead developer knows about this.

I am able to select SOME of the fonts from the drop down list (but I did not install any of them - they were already there). Another issue might be that the text that is previewed in the builder is not the same size that displays in the player. That makes it difficult to position text to fit over a background that is a certain size (the background being an image of a sheet of parchment paper, for example).

By another font I was referring to either Advent Pro or Alegrea Sans.

OK - just to know that for me, there are other fonts in the dropdown list that cannot be selected - it defaults back to 'Sergoe UI'

Hi there, just adding an update that this issue has been taken care of, so it should be working in the next update to InteractBuilder (4.0.8).
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