We want to hear your feedback! Submit your Questions, Ideas, Suggestions, and Problems.
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New interact player for iOS?

Clint Sutton 11 lat temu Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez Ezra Weinstein (Administrator) 11 lat temu 0

Will there be a new player 3.4 for iOS to download to my iPad?

The new Player has been submitted to Apple an is awaiting review. Normally this takes 1 to 2,weeks.
W trakcie analizy

Spin Action request

Ranco 11 lat temu Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez Alin Alexandru Matei 11 lat temu 0
Would be nice to have a new parameter for SpinLeft and Right: angle or rotation.
I want to be able to spin an non-circular object on tap and that it returns to it's original angle.
In addition, the speed parameter unit (1-100) is unclear. Better be something like "rotations per second" - it makes more sense.

I still can not DRAG my pages into a different position.

Laurel Roth 10 lat temu Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez Alin Alexandru Matei 10 lat temu 2
Despite several updates to the builder I'm still unable to Drag my pages into a different order.  You can click on the page it highlights but you cannot drag it anyplace.  I have tried repeatedly to get this function to work but to no avail.
W trakcie analizy

Software Update

William Mark Povey 11 lat temu Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez Alin Alexandru Matei 11 lat temu 5

I  get this error when I try to update my interact builder,I have attached a picture.Image 86

Alin Alexandru Matei 11 lat temu
Uninstall Interactbuilder 3 and then go download the latest version from the web site:

color picker not working

SeanB 11 lat temu Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez Ezra Weinstein (Administrator) 10 lat temu 6
  1. Create a shape
  2. Choose fill solid or gradient
  3. click the color square to open the color picker
  4. click anywhere in the Spectrum colors box
Expected: RGB and button bg update with selected color
Actual: Nothing happens, "tap to apply color" bar remains black
Hi Sean,
We'll report this to the lead developer. Thank you so much for the feedback and detail
Z odpowiedzią

New screen sizes?

Clint Sutton 12 lat temu Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez Alin Alexandru Matei 12 lat temu 4


I see the new Interactbuilder 3.2 has a choice of what screen size you want to build/design in.  If I design my app for iPad layout, will I need to re-layout the app again if I want it to be available for Android, iPhone, or other?


Alin Alexandru Matei 12 lat temu

Hi Clint, after you change the size of the app you will need to set the elements of the page to the new coordonates.

W trakcie analizy


sehovcovs aleksandrs 10 lat temu zaktualizowano 10 lat temu 2
Can I find out at what stage is the publication of my book The Three Bears?
payment of $ 299 was 02.09.2015.
Inna Komarovsky 10 lat temu
Hi there,

I apologize, I must have missed your post. We are going to be testing the publishing process this week, and we're hoping to be able to publish your app soon. I apologize for the delay, and we'll get back to you soon.

To nie jest błąd

Animated element won't flip horizontally on bounce

Charmaine Anderson 11 lat temu Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez Ezra Weinstein (Administrator) 11 lat temu 0

Animated element with transition will not flip horizontally on bounce on page load.

Alin Alexandru Matei 11 lat temu

Hi Charmaine, I've tested this and didn't find any bugs. I've attached to this reply a sample app to show you that this is working.

175 - HorizontalBounce.zip


Is the new IB4 only able to function in Chrome?

Laurel Roth 10 lat temu Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez Inna Komarovsky 10 lat temu 1
I'm totally confused.  The IB4 doesn't seem to function within IE.  The only way I could get the feedback option to open from the builder is to copy the link and paste it to Chrome.  But I'm still not able to open interact mode to open.  Is Chrome the only way to get things to work with IB4?
Inna Komarovsky 10 lat temu
Hi Laurel,
InteractBuilder 4 does work best with Chrome, which you can download for free. Since there are a lot of differences between browsers, we needed to start by focusing our efforts on a very widely-used and flexible browser.

Regarding the feedback button, from which screen in InteractBuilder are you clicking to access the feedback site?
Z odpowiedzią

Text field prompt not working

Jen Hoyte 10 lat temu zaktualizowano 10 lat temu 4
Created new app in version 4.0.2 Build 381.  Added a text field, with action Tap set to Prompt for text.  On Interact, the cursor changes to small circle, but no prompt takes place.  Any ideas?
Jen, I cleared your devices, basically we limit the number of devices that a user can run the apps from. This protects our users who want to share their apps to a limited audience.   As far as the text prompt, please find the enclosed app so you can see how I did it.

You download this file and then copy the folder (unzip it if you are on Windows, Mac should automatically do it) to the Documents/InteractBuilder folder.

Text Prompt.zip