We want to hear your feedback! Submit your Questions, Ideas, Suggestions, and Problems.

spin action scales down

Ranco 11 lat temu Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez Inna Komarovsky 10 lat temu 10
Spin action on an element also scales it ~by half. Happens on iPad, doesn't happen in the builder (in Windows)
Inna Komarovsky 10 lat temu
Hi there, just posting an update that this should be taken care of with IB4's new engine for viewing apps.
W trakcie analizy

Add rotate graphic and text element by corner handle in design mode.

Charmaine Anderson 11 lat temu Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez Alin Alexandru Matei 11 lat temu 0

It would be nice if you could enable one to rotate a static graphic or text element with a corner handle like one can do in illustrator.  Thanks for considering.

Alin Alexandru Matei 11 lat temu

That's a nice idea.


More Apps Behavior

Pardesi Media 11 lat temu Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez Alin Alexandru Matei 11 lat temu 1
Please add a behavior in IB that would allow us to show more apps/games from the same Publisher to the users.
Alin Alexandru Matei 11 lat temu
You can achieve this by using the browser behavior. So for example if you have an app icon and you want the people to see that app in the store, you will need a web element.
To that app you add a BrowseOpen behavior with target being that web element and in the link/address filed you will need to paste the URL to that app.

Page Number Panel enhancement

Charmaine Anderson 11 lat temu Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez anonymous 6 lat temu 5

Please consider widening the page number panel at the top so if you have alot of pages the numbers aren't running together making it hard to distinguish between the pages.  See attached screenshot.  This will make selecting a page easier when developing.  (I realize one may not need this many pages but if one wants to create a robust user experience sometimes it's necessary).  Thanks for considering this.

Image 37


This will be fixed in version 3.2.2

(Bug Ticket #802)


user guide within the builder

Ann K AlteredEssence 12 lat temu Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez Ezra Weinstein (Administrator) 12 lat temu 0

request: to be able to open the user guide within the builder and still be able to use the builder with the user guide notes open on the screen for reference. 


The user guide can be opened in a browser, below is the link:



frame animation - loop animation doesn't stick

Ranco 12 lat temu Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez Ezra Weinstein (Administrator) 11 lat temu 4

I'm trying to move (linear transition) a frame animated element (2 frames only). the element moves fine, but animates only once.

When I change "Loop Animation" to "Yes", click Ok:

Image 13

When  re-opening the frame animation, it changes back to "No":

Image 14


We have the sample app and will look at resolving this issue in the next update.

W trakcie analizy

add content type sub-folders

SeanB 11 lat temu Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez Ezra Weinstein (Administrator) 11 lat temu 0
Top level of the book folder gets crowded, how about adding two sub folders - images and audio?

suggestion: limit interactions possible to only the ones that should be used.

Melissa Lind 11 lat temu Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez Ezra Weinstein (Administrator) 11 lat temu 1
I tried using Tap> Draw and got this error message. I imagine it's because it's suppose to be used with Drag?

InteractBuilder Version: 3.2 Build 317
Device: MacBook Pro
Processor: Intel Core i5
Memory: 4 GB
System: 10.6.8

An application error occurred while attempting to perform the last action.

Restarting InteractBuilder is recommended.

An application error occurred while attempting to perform the last action.

Restarting InteractBuilder is recommended.

Error: Chunk: can't find background / Chunk: error in object expression / export: no image selected, or image not open
Handler: Behavior_DrawFree_FinishedDrawing
Location: Line 0, char 1
Object: button id 1008 of group id 1010 of card id 1002 of stack "Behaviors" of stack "/Applications/InteractBuilder.app/Contents/MacOS/Local Components/Data/InteractBuilder.livecode"

87: Line 0 at char 1: Chunk: can't find background
69: Line 4913 at char 23: Chunk: error in object expression ----> group id 8031807 of group id 8031413 of card id 1140 of stack "/Applications/InteractBuilder.app/Contents/MacOS/Local Components/Data/InteractBuilder.livecode"
191: Line 4913 at char 1: export: no image selected, or image not open
253: Line 4911 at char 1: if-then: error in statement
241: Line 4911 at char 1: Handler: error in statement ----> Behavior_DrawFree_FinishedDrawing
353: Line 0 at char 0: Object Name: ----> button id 1008 of group id 1010 of card id 1002 of stack "Behaviors" of stack "/Applications/InteractBuilder.app/Contents/MacOS/Local Components/Data/InteractBuilder.livecode"
675: Line 2538 at char 1:  ----> Behavior_DrawFree_FinishedDrawing
587: Line 2533 at char 1: switch: error in statement
587: Line 2526 at char 1: switch: error in statement
241: Line 2526 at char 1: Handler: error in statement ----> _Interaction_Done
353: Line 0 at char 0: Object Name: ----> button id 1008 of group id 1010 of card id 1002 of stack "Behaviors" of stack "/Applications/InteractBuilder.app/Contents/MacOS/Local Components/Data/InteractBuilder.livecode"
573: Line 1248 at char 1: Handler: can't find handler ----> _Interaction_Done
241: Line 1248 at char 1: Handler: error in statement ----> Element_MouseUp
353: Line 0 at char 0: Object Name: ----> button id 1008 of group id 1010 of card id 1002 of stack "Behaviors" of stack "/Applications/InteractBuilder.app/Contents/MacOS/Local Components/Data/InteractBuilder.livecode"
573: Line 58 at char 1: Handler: can't find handler ----> Element_MouseUp
253: Line 57 at char 1: if-then: error in statement
241: Line 57 at char 1: Handler: error in statement ----> mouseUp
353: Line 0 at char 0: Object Name: ----> button id 1020 of stack "IBElements" of stack "/Applications/InteractBuilder.app/Contents/MacOS/Local Components/Data/InteractBuilder.livecode"

line 150 of handler "errorDialog" of button "stsErrors_FS" of card id 1002 of stack "libSTSErrors"
line 11655 of handler "DoError" of stack "InteractBuilder" of behavior button "Stack B" of card id 1002 of stack "Behaviors"

This is something we will definitely be implementing in a future version.
Z odpowiedzią

Recommended file size for music on each page?

Charmaine Anderson 11 lat temu Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez Alin Alexandru Matei 11 lat temu 1
Can you please advise what the maximum file size you recommend we use for background music on each page?  I purchased a couple of .mp3 clips that I like to use but I'm wondering if I should recompress them but I don't want to have to sacrifice quality. Also,  If you have some advice on ideal audio compression settings for audio that would be nice and I'm sure others will appreciate that info as they develop their apps. I'm using GarageBand to edit my audio.
Alin Alexandru Matei 11 lat temu
There is no maximum size of an mp3 file that you could attach from what I know. But the best advise would be to keep the app only with the necessary files and also have a decent size.