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Not a bug

Multiple languages using conditional behavior

Ranco 11 aastat tagasi uuendaja Ezra Weinstein (Administrator) 11 aastat tagasi 10
This is how I tried to do it: 
Global counter, set by default to (1) (works)
Language toggle button, each state changes it between 1 & 2 (works)
Now, I've placed a text element, assigned 2  "PlayAudio" behaviors on PageLoad, each conditioned to one value of the counter:
Image 192
Image 193
Unfortunately, both audio files play at the same time, as if the condition is ignored.

I did the same with a button (2 taps to play conditionally, but then only English is playing...

Please advise
Actually this is not a bug. The problem is that you are using a global element which has an action set on it to update itself on page load. This means that every page will essentially reset the value of this counter.  

To resolve this issue simply update the counter on page refresh from another element and this should resolve the problem.  If you need more information or a better explanation please let us know.

Im having troubles syncing with the server, it stops at 79%

Jason Alison Jørgensen 10 aastat tagasi uuendaja Megan Bell 8 aastat tagasi 3
Laurel, Our server went down earlier today and we were forced to update the server which actually caused a chain effect.  The address of the new server changed so now we are forced to issue an update for the InteractBuilder.  Which is not a bad thing because we are also fixing a few nagging issues.  So there will be an update later tonight.  Keep an eye out for it.  Sorry for the inconvenience.

Page not working

Paul Snakes 10 aastat tagasi uuendaja Inna Komarovsky 10 aastat tagasi 3
Hi ! I am testing my app on the new engine (IB4.0). Everything seems to work well (appart from the global elements not showing on the Design Mode; but apparently working on Player) but when I arrive to page 11; then nothing works! I have only "Jump to page" behaviours on that page (and some fade in behaviours), that are triggered tapping on empty graphic objects (invisible objects) put on top of other graphics. The same structure works fine on other pages, but strangely, on that specific page they don't work at all, not even the "go to previous / next page" behaviour!

I can't imagine why... please, could you check it?


Intersection not registering

Serge Patry 11 aastat tagasi uuendaja Inna Komarovsky 10 aastat tagasi 3

When I create a intersection, view it in interact and try to do some adjustment I can not see the interaction parameters. What I did to rectify the problem for now I create a second one whit out a behaviours and now I can see the first interaction.

Inna Komarovsky 10 aastat tagasi

When you can't see the intersections that you have created try to go into another page and then go back to the page you are working on. You should be able to see them then.

(this issue is being fixed in version 3.4)


pages missing in simulation

iceartist 10 aastat tagasi uuendaja Inna Komarovsky 10 aastat tagasi 3
When I hit the "Interact" button to check the app, not all the pages are loading. The last 10 are not coming up at all. My app is 53 pages long--is there a limit that I'm exceeding? 
Inna Komarovsky 10 aastat tagasi
There shouldn't be a limit to the number of pages previewed, so it might be that there's a glitch with page 43. If you try loading one of the last pages on its own, does it work?

Narration audio not playing in Interact mode

Charmaine Anderson 11 aastat tagasi uuendaja Alin Alexandru Matei 11 aastat tagasi 1
I have set a text elements Properties > Narration Audio to play an .mp3 audio clip, but when I view in Interact mode the audio clip does not play.  Do I have to sign up as a paid member in order for the narrated audio to play?  (I realize I need to sign up to make the text highlighting work… )

Thanks for your help.

Alin Alexandru Matei 11 aastat tagasi
We are working on a new feature for the narration audio that will be available in a future version.

Mask On / Mask Off - Masking time 0ms is not working

Truman Kong 10 aastat tagasi uuendatud 10 aastat tagasi 2
I try to rebuild the matching game just as your video tutorial. I found that when I trigger the Mask Off effect upon a Tap action, the Masking Time is not actually 0ms, even I set it to 0ms. Same as the Mask On effect. (well, my rough guess it is around 500ms) Could you see if it is a bug or not? Thanks.
Inna Komarovsky 10 aastat tagasi
Hi Truman,
Looks like this is a glitch. Thank you for bringing it to our attention! I'll describe it to our lead developer. I see that if you set the duration to 1ms, then it is pretty instant, so that could be a workaround for the time being.

IB 4.0 | Match Behavior Stopped Working

Pardesi Media 10 aastat tagasi uuendaja Ezra Weinstein (Administrator) 10 aastat tagasi 1
I converted my existing app into IB 4.0, and the Match behavior is no longer working.
We are working on a small document/tutorial that will describe how to setup a Match activity using the new engine.  We mentioned on our last webinar that this activity will have to be rebuilt because we change the Match/Unmatch from being interactions to being conditions.  So you will have to rework the page a little bit, but it actually should make the activity simpler.

can't find my app in Google play

Tiffany Daniela McPhie 11 aastat tagasi uuendaja Corina Cibotaru 9 aastat tagasi 4
I can't seem to find my app in google play when I type it's name on my phone or tablet, however it is already available for download. What should I do to find it?
Alin Alexandru Matei 11 aastat tagasi
Google takes time to index their search engine, we have no control over that process and we don't know how long it takes. Here is a direct link to your app:
Not a bug

New App not showing any elements except the background in interact mode

Ann K AlteredEssence 11 aastat tagasi uuendaja Inna Komarovsky 10 aastat tagasi 5
Just created a new App and in interact mode it is not showing any elements except the background.  Not sure if anything is working because I can't see anything.  I double checked and the elements have visible at runtime is active.
Inna Komarovsky 10 aastat tagasi
How did you add the elements? Through PSD import, drag and drop or by adding new element option?
Also it will be great if you could send a sample app at alin@interactstudios.com so we can take a look it.