We want to hear your feedback! Submit your Questions, Ideas, Suggestions, and Problems.

insert picture reader takes with devise into specified location on an app

Ann K AlteredEssence hace 12 años actualizado por Ezra Weinstein (Administrator) hace 12 años 0

request: to be able to take a picture with iphone or ipad (or other reader devise) and have it insert the pic into a specified location on the app.


Planned for version 3.4 (towards end of the year)


IB Release Plan

Pardesi Media hace 11 años actualizado hace 11 años 5
Can you please share the plan for next release of IB? Both my apps are pending submission based on that. Thanks.

Inna Komarovsky hace 11 años
Hi Adeel! We're planning to release the update at the end of June or the beginning of July.

Toggle Action

Moshe Caine hace 12 años actualizado por Ezra Weinstein (Administrator) hace 11 años 0

Suggest a toggle action, i.e. an on/off function. 

Would be very useful for switching visibility, sound, movement etc. on and off.


We will be adding a new element type Button in version 3.5 of the app expected release towards the end of this year or early next year.


Add Lock Layers Option

Charmaine Anderson hace 12 años actualizado por Ezra Weinstein (Administrator) hace 12 años 0

If possible, please consider adding the ability to Lock layers to make selecting objects easier.  Thanks much.


We will be adding this in version 3.3 or 3.4.


Interact player in iPad not working

Serge Patry hace 11 años actualizado por Ezra Weinstein (Administrator) hace 11 años 2

Interact player in iPad not working at all. Canot enter in the catégories. CAN get to download an app the button does,nt work.


Might be related to our iOS7 fixes.  We will get this resolved ASAP.


Add Show Rulers, Show Grid Option / Snap to Grid / View Outlines - to help align assets

Charmaine Anderson hace 12 años actualizado por Ezra Weinstein (Administrator) hace 12 años 0

If possible, please consider adding a "Show Rulers, Show Grid and Snap to Grid" option and maybe also a View Outlines option to help one visually align assets on the stage vertically and horizontally rather than having to view the target coordinates in the info tab.   


We are definitely planning to add this in a future build.


Quiz behaviors

Moshe Caine hace 12 años actualizado por Inna Komarovsky hace 10 años 6

Built in quiz behaviors could greatly enhance the educational functionality of Interactbuilder. For example the following types:

Multiple choice questions

Match pairs

Arrange objects in order (big to small, fast to low, etc.)

Fill in the blanks.


Actually most of the examples that you are mentioning can be implemented using the current software.  I think it would be a good idea for us to create some samples of these to show the community how this works. I will ask my team to work on some samples.


photoshop layers

Melissa Lind hace 12 años actualizado por Ezra Weinstein (Administrator) hace 12 años 1
The layering trouble when importing photoshop files with new layers seems to be working better. They used to come in out of order. Nice work!!!

Love IB3 so much. It is so swanky!


App Preference

Serge Patry hace 11 años actualizado por Ezra Weinstein (Administrator) hace 11 años 0


Can it be possible to introduce an app preference that would allow us to chose the % of the design window when it open’s all the time. Now the design window open at 79% so each time I have to select 100% for the design window.

En revisión

Coloring book feature enhanced

Anita Sølver hace 11 años actualizado por Alin Alexandru Matei hace 11 años 2
I have read some of the posts about coloring books/coloring pages, and I think there's room for improvement to Interact Builder in this area. No need to make things so complicated :)

The ability to make the kids pick colors is fine.
But the way we have to make a coloring page is not so great, in my opinion.

What I would like to see is two things:

1) The ability to let the lineart be on top, and let the kids color freely beneath it. That would be an awesome feature. It could be done by somehow locking the top layer with the lineart, or have a target layer for the kids to paint in.

2) Be able to place a lineart, and then click on areas between the lines that are meant to be colored (a bit like fill color in photoshop with the paint bucket), and add the fill color action (or even free draw within this restricted area).

If #2 can't be done that way, then at least be able to place the lineart on top, and place the files premade for the individual areas underneath, so we'll have a nice and crisp lineart, that can variate in thickness and so on.

Should the last part be the solution, I would really, really like to be able to make the images all the same size in transparant png's, and thus import and place them all at the same time. This is not possible now, since when I am clicking on the canvas (let's say on an apple), it chooses whatever file is on top, because it also selects the transparant pixels, and not just the filled ones.

It's just not very logical the way it works now, and it involves an insane amount of work to make a coloring page with more than a few details.

If any of this is possible already, then I'd love to be pointed in the right direction, since coloring pages will be part of the apps I plan to make, in addition to stories and other activity.

Thanks for reading :)