We want to hear your feedback! Submit your Questions, Ideas, Suggestions, and Problems.

Maize not working on iPad

Clint Sutton 10 years ago updated by Alin Alexandru Matei 10 years ago 0
I have a maize for one page, and I cannot get it to work.  I think I have the correct actions setup.  But maybe I should send you a sample to check it out?

Alin Alexandru Matei 10 years ago
The maze feature is not supported at this time.

Feedback via IB3 crashes

Ranco 11 years ago updated by Ezra Weinstein (Administrator) 11 years ago 0 1 duplicate

At least on Windows 7...

This is what I get by clicking "Feedback":

Image 12

Not a bug


Ranco 11 years ago updated by Ezra Weinstein (Administrator) 11 years ago 7

ToggleAudio  doesn't work, unless I use it incorrectly:

I have a little microphone button in every page, which when clicked hides itself and shows a mic with cross ("no audio"). This one does the same. Both buttons initiate "ToggleAudio" behavior. But that doesn't do the trick.



I've attached a small app with how the ToggleAudio behavior works. On first page I have two elements both with toggle audio behavior, and on the second page I have a text element with a PlayAudio on Page Load.

204 - ToggleAudio.zip


Deleted actions keep reappearing

Charmaine Anderson 10 years ago updated by Alin Alexandru Matei 10 years ago 0
I noticed actions that have been deleted are reappearing, even upon restart of computer.  Happens when I have chained actions, i.e..,
On Tap > Animate graphic element > No looping
On Tap Play mp3 audio clip,
On Tap Fill a different graphic Element  with color,
On Tap fill another graphic Element with color.  
Then chain all to one on Tap action.  
If you delete one of the Fill color actions and try to reset the action on the deleted action, the deleted action set reappears in the action set manager.

Thanks for looking into this.
Alin Alexandru Matei 10 years ago
This bug will be fixed in the coming version of the builder. Thank you for the feedback

Publishing Category Question

Charmaine Anderson 10 years ago updated by Inna Komarovsky 10 years ago 0
I noticed that Apple's App store for the iPad displays a new Kids Category with targeted age groups, such as Kids > 5 & Under   I don't see a Kids category listed in the IB3 Publish categories and was wondering how one could ensure their app gets placed into Apples new Kids Category for the iPad?  Hopefully this isn't an Apple curated category and we will be able to deploy directly into their Kids category and select the target age group via your tool.  I didn't see mention of this new category in Apples Dev instructions in iTunes Connect.   Since being found is hugely important for success, it would be great if IB3 Publish options displayed a Kids category > Target Age group to help us succeed.  Thanks for looking into this for us!
Inna Komarovsky 10 years ago
Hi Charmaine,
We're planning to add the new categories in a future update of InteractBuilder, but if you submit your app before that update, you can email us to specify the primary and secondary categories you'd like to use for the app.

Is anyone monitoring the Forum

Ted Ollikkala 9 years ago updated by Inna Komarovsky 9 years ago 1
It seems to be getting spammy
Inna Komarovsky 9 years ago
Hi Ted,

Yep, I'm reading the forum posts and did notice some spam messages recently. I'll try to delete any spam messages that I see.


Expand window button makes text move out of place.

Charmaine Anderson 10 years ago updated by Alin Alexandru Matei 10 years ago 0
When I first open IB3 and expand the window to full screen mode using the little green circle button, Image 169 the window expands and some of the text in my app moves out of place.  Easy to reposition text but not ideal experience.

Image 168

Alin Alexandru Matei 10 years ago
I was able to recreate this situation and I forwarded this information along to our lead developer. Thank you for the feedback.
Under review

Text Input and saving to multiple pages

Trevor Boulton 10 years ago updated by Alin Alexandru Matei 10 years ago 8
I am wanting users to be able to type in a text input box and have the contents saved and displayed on multiple pages. I think the answer might be here http://feedback.interactbuilder.com/topic/295267-save-text/ but the attached file is missing.
Not a bug

Problems when bouncing and inverting image

Paola Amador 11 years ago updated by Ezra Weinstein (Administrator) 11 years ago 0

When the image bounces it inverts properly the first time, but then it starts splitting in several parts. It does not invert anymore but on each bounce, it re-splits in different parts. This happened after the update yesterday. Before it just kept inverting right left right left non-stop, all the time and very quicly.


Can you tell us under what circumstances is this happening. I added on an element animation with bounce + invert horizontally + replay and everything is working as it should.

We did address some issues in version 3.3 related to Bounce and Invert.  Version 3.3 will be released in the next few hours so please check this out again using the new version.


Delete doesn't work??

Judy K. Johnson 10 years ago updated by Ezra Weinstein (Administrator) 10 years ago 0

I downloaded the lastest version of Builder 342 today.  I started a practice book. 

First I added a animation of 12 frames that loops continuously.  It worked correctly when I reviewed it in Interact.  Then I added an image png file which does nothing but sit on the page. 

When I try to delete any element on the page I get an error:
"An error occurred with the database; it is suggested that you quit and relaunch InteractBuilder, but you can also choose to go to the Manage page instead.  What do you wish to do?"

No matter what you do it when you reopen the book.  All the elements are still on the page.  I cannot manage to delete an element!!!!

Please send us a copy of your app using DropBox, HighTale or any other file sharing service.  We will take a look at what is going on.  Send it to ezra@interactstudios.com.  Do not email me the app directly because it may be too big for our email server to accept, so please use a file sharing service.
