Not a bug

spin reply issue

Ranco 12 years ago updated by Alin Alexandru Matei 12 years ago 5

How can I spin left an object for a predefined rotations, or angle? Once I click it, it spins forever...


Not a bug

So far if you want to make the spin stop add a behavior StopSpin with a delay of a few seconds after the Spin behavior. You will have to think after how many seconds you will need the spin to stop.

Not a bug

So far if you want to make the spin stop add a behavior StopSpin after the Spin behavior. You will have to think after how many seconds you will need the spin to stop. 

Not a bug

So far if you want to make the spin stop add a behavior StopSpin with a delay of a few seconds after the Spin behavior. You will have to think after how many seconds you will need the spin to stop.

ok, so is there  a way to  set an action, so that every second click will stop the spin?

yes make a  Tap-StopSpin to that element with a delay of 1000ms.

No, I mean: first click spins, second click stops spin, third spins, forth stops, and so on and so forth

this can't be made on the same element. But if you have a transparent element( not visible on interact) on top of the one that spins it will work in this mode:

For the spin element have Tap-Spin (Self), Tap-Show(transparent element).

For the transparent element Tap-StopSpin(spin element), Tap-Hide (Self).

I've made a sample app for you to see this:

211 - spin stopspin.zip 

Alin, thanks for the sample. BUT - I've now added two Tap events - first to start the spin and second to stop with a delay of 3000ms, and what actually happens is that every second click stops the spin! Which is what I wanted in the first place. Is this a bug??