adding font

Trouble syncing with server
At first the only thing appearing in the app in interactplayer was one of my pictures (the first I tried adding in the builder). No background or anything.
I looked in the feedback and in the users guide, but couldn't seem to find any explanation.
I tried clearing browse data - that didn't help.
Now I have deleted the app from my player account, and then tried upload again - but now it won't sync at all.
When clicking "Interact" it starts syncing but then stops.
What can I do?
Regards, Stine

Was the app working earlier, or did this happen the first time you tried to preview this specific app?
It's possible that one of the files or action sets included could be causing a glitch. If you'd like, I could take a look at the app to try to find the problem. If you locate your app folder in Documents / InteractBuilder / [the name of the project group] / [the name of the app], and compress that folder to make a zip file, you can send it to me as an attachment, and I can test the app.
Otherwise, we could talk about the file types and action sets that are included in the app at this point.
Let me know which way you'd prefer : )
Inna Komarovsky

App wont launch

(Did NOT delete any left over files or remnants).
Error shown when launching the app on my Windows 7 machine afterwards.
Other error about missing Fonts and the App main screen is there but of no use.
Please advise. Thanks in advance

Are there default page turn corner graphics?

Way to save an interactive drawing?
Don't know if this is available on interact, but I've seen it on other aps, where you can take a screen shot (or something like that) of a drawing to save it and send to grandparents or whoever.

You can make a picture by using the behavior under Sharing->SnapPicture, and it will be automatically save in your Picture folder.

Changing Objects at Certain Coordinates
For example, if a hat's hanging on a rack (at an angle), when I drag the hat to a character, how can I make it so, when the hat reaches that character, it changes to an upright hat and fits on the character's head?

spin reply issue
How can I spin left an object for a predefined rotations, or angle? Once I click it, it spins forever...

So far if you want to make the spin stop add a behavior StopSpin with a delay of a few seconds after the Spin behavior. You will have to think after how many seconds you will need the spin to stop.

Plan to support Chinese Characters?

5 Strategi untuk Bisa Beli Susu Anak Murah
Susu adalah salah satu makanan terpenting bagi anak karena lengkapnya gizi yang dimilikinya. Beruntung, Anda bisa mendapatkan banyak jenis susu di berbagai pusat perbelanjaan maupun di pasar sehingga Anda tak akan kehabisan. Namun yang menjadi masalah adalah mencari susu anak murah. Sebabnya tentu saja, karena susu bukanlah jenis makanan yang murah untuk dibeli.
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