We want to hear your feedback! Submit your Questions, Ideas, Suggestions, and Problems.

Why not a user manual in the pdf format?

Henry Ståhle hace 10 años actualizado por Alin Alexandru Matei hace 10 años 0
I find a lot of old information on InteractBuilde on the net, like old youtube videos, old Wiki and so on. A pdf manual could be downloaded from within InteractBuilde and is easy to keep up to date. A pdf is easy to print out and keep handy while working with the app. 
Alin Alexandru Matei hace 10 años
For more information on InteractBuilder and InteractPlayer you can check our Reference Guide here:
and our User Guide here:
And you can download a PDF file as shown in the attached image:

Object replay

Clint Sutton hace 10 años actualizado por Alin Alexandru Matei hace 10 años 3
I have an object moving across the screen, it is on "replay" so that it repeats it's linear move.

I want the object to repeat randomly.  At the moment, it re-appears exactly the same time each time it "replays".  Is there a way to make it "replay" at random times?

Alin Alexandru Matei hace 10 años
At this moment there isn't an option for this. I will try to find an alternative way to do this and will let you know.
Here is a sample app of a way to do this:
116 - Animation Random Time.zip

So basically I have a frame element (bike) that will do a static animation at a random time. The random time is dictated by an off screen intersection. The elements that are intersecting are:
an arrow that is doing a linear animation with replay with random duration
and a transparent element that is place on the arrow path.
When those two intersect, the bike will animate. We will not know when the bike will animate because of the random duration of the arrow animation.
En revisión

Build 355 - clicking problem

Clint Sutton hace 10 años actualizado por Ezra Weinstein (Administrator) hace 10 años 2
Hi guys,

I am still having the clicking problem in the new 355 builder for Windows.  On my page10 "count flamingos".  When you go into "interact" mode to test the page, nothing works when you try click with the mouse on anything, but if you press "ctrl" and mouse click at same time, it works, even the link back to the "design" page.

very odd!?
Clint, we will check, but we did test your app in Windows and the clicking did 100% work.  We will verify this later today.

Hidden element still covers other elements

Ranco hace 10 años actualizado por Ken Ray hace 10 años 4
I have an hidden "hint" element that I can fade in and out upon user request to hint the user on animation locations.
The problem is that these elements are considered when I click on them (although invisible), hence obscuring the actual animation element:

Image 271
In the example above, the drawer opens and slams when clicking on it, but you can't click on most of it because the (hidden) finger obscures it.
I think that elements that are not visible in runtime should not be tested against mouse/click position at all.
Ken Ray hace 10 años
Hi, it looks like I misunderstood you, I apologize. I thought you wanted the user to be able to click while the hint is visible, but it seems that in the current build the area where the hint had been can no longer be clicked, even when the hint has faded out. I'll describe this bug to the developers. Thank you for pointing this out!

Hide Behavior not working

winsomeworks hace 10 años actualizado por Ezra Weinstein (Administrator) hace 10 años 1
The hide behavior in my app is not working.  Any ideas?
It's hard to answer these types of broad questions that have no detail behind them.  So I'm enclosing a small sample app to show you that the hide behavior works.  You can copy this to your Documents/InteractBuilder folder under any of your project folders and then open up the app.  You will then see two cubes, you tap on the first cube it hides both cubes, if you refresh and then tap the second cube it will hide the second one.100 - Test.zip
No es un bug

IB4 Install Problem - Can't be Opened error

Charmaine Anderson hace 10 años actualizado por Ezra Weinstein (Administrator) hace 10 años 6
Hi Guys,
After installing IB4 into my applications folder on my MacPro, when I double click the IB4 icon, I get the error message below and I can't open the program. (Note,  I opted to replace the current version on install. ) Can you please advise a workaround?  Thanks much.
Image 217

Pinch/Zoom Action Possibilities??? ASAP!!!

Eleisha Perreira hace 10 años actualizado por Inna Komarovsky hace 10 años 2
I have a graphic on a slide that I want the user to interact with. Is it possible to apply the pinch in and out actions to zoom on the entire slide as a whole OR is it possible to zoom on a particular object/graphic?? ASAP
Inna Komarovsky hace 10 años
Hi Eleisha, It is only possible to pinch-zoom on a single element at a time.


Pardesi Media hace 11 años actualizado por Inna Komarovsky hace 10 años 4

I want to automatically create an element every 2 seconds and shuffle the group it belongs to, but the Timer is only working the first time and it shuffles the elements random number of times. Is there any other way to do this?

Inna Komarovsky hace 10 años

What do you mean by creating an element every 2 seconds. You mean showing it? If that's what you want, another way to do this is by using the Delay Before option. So the elements will show with a Delay Before of 2 seconds, 4 seconds and so on.


Bad URL in app. Feedback link goes to 404 page not found.

SeanB hace 10 años actualizado por Alin Alexandru Matei hace 10 años 2
Please fix in app feedback link, build 361. It goes to 404 http://www.interactbuilder.com/submitfeedback.html?time=1400171623276
En revisión

Read to Me in InteractPlayer

russellshaffer hace 10 años actualizado hace 10 años 2
Thanks to Alin Matel's advice a couple months ago, I've been able to get the read-to-me function working on my book -- but only on my computer. When I share the book with myself and read it on my iPad, the read-to-me option doesn't work. There are other sound effects, there's just no reading sound. Any ideas on why this is/how I can fix it? Thank you for your time and feedback.