Not a bug

Elements are vanishing after previewing in Interact mode

Charmaine Anderson 11 років тому оновлено Ezra Weinstein (Administrator) 11 років тому 0

FIXED.  Close this.

I downloaded the latest version yesterday and noticed both static and animated graphic elements are vanishing when viewing in Interact mode  When I go back into design mode, the element is gone.  I tried replacing the element several times and it keeps vanishing.  This is occurring on my "C" letter page 4.  The sand and one of the animated reeds disappeared.  I did add one more animated graphic to the page with 30 frames, but that shouldn't cause this to happen…   

Update:  This may be my bad, the 30 frame animation I added to the page is not named correctly, as the number appended to each frame begins with 3 which may be the reason this is occurring. I'll rename the frames and advise if that resolves issue. 

Update:  Fixed - problem was the animated element file name frames were appended with _3D1001.png which violated the required numeric sequencing convention.  I renamed each frame appended with _1.png, 2.png, etc and that fixed it.  You can close this one now.


Not a bug

Charmaine, thanks so much for updating us on this and letting us know that the issue was in fact resolved!

Not a bug

Charmaine, thanks so much for updating us on this and letting us know that the issue was in fact resolved!