Under review

InteractPlayer not showing bookcase cover?

Eleisha Perreira 11 years ago updated by Inna Komarovsky 10 years ago 7
I have the interactplayer icon instead of my book case images. How do I make the cover there so I can tell the apps apart?
Under review
Try to reload your app icon from app properties in InteractBuilder.
I just re-uploaded in app properties from an image on my desktop and it hasn't changed.
So after you re-synced your entire app, the icon still didn't changed? Because I tried this on a sample app and it's working.
yes, I deleted the player file, everything. Re-uploaded the image. and still getting interactplayer icon instead of app book cover
A few questions:

What format is the image file? (.png, .jpg, etc.)

When you select the bookcase image, do you see the progress bar in the bottom right corner of the InteractBuilder window?

If you open your app folder in your file browser, does the file called "_Bookshelfimage.png" reflect the new image that you assigned?
When my app is converting it doesnt have the loading selection that is in that photo.
In your app folder, does the file called "_BookshelfImage.png" show the new image that you assigned, or is the default image?