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Cool, then I have just a couple graphics left to add, and it's time to hit Publish! :)
Thanks. For now in order to proceed with Publishing, I'm adding two line breaks at end of each text. Seems fine in the previews. What do you think?
BTW I believe this is a regression from the latest build. It was fine previously.
Thanks Inna, I just emailed you a zip (this is on PC version)
How can we escalate this? It's a showstopper.
Also affects drop shadows. There is a hacky workaround, adding 3 empty lines at the end. Not sure that's a good idea.

Zip of the problem
Alin I emailed you a zip sample page with the bug.
Reopening Regression in Version 4.0.9 Build 390.

Static image object, layer 6 > tap = Show animation object (frame 1 looks like static image) & animate it & play Audio (animation and audio loop)
Animated image, layer 4 > tap = Stop Animation & hide self & Stop Audio

I have this setup the same way on two different pages, and it's broken on both.

1 I tap the static image, actions work fine. 
2 I tap the animated image (to stop the animation/audio i.e. return to static state) and actions work fine
3 I repeat step 1, animation starts and freezes at I assume frame 1, Audio does not start
4 I attempt to repeat step 2, nothing happens
Unfortunately you are right, I just re-read the docs. Even with our own dev account, we still need them to deliver us a zip for us to process. I had just been emailing with Ezra. I need to submit through IB4.

Then back to my seat, while we remain in a holding pattern for IB team to land this thing. Is there a waitress on this flight? I'd like to order a coctail...