Your comments

I was able to recreate this situation and forwarded to our lead developer. Thank you for your feedback.
Another question regarding the app you can't open. Did the convert process for these apps worked through the end?
After testing it in InteractMode too, I found that the element is clipped. So I will forward this to our lead developer.
Well I tried it in an app that you've send me a while ago:

Are you having the element clipped in InteractMode too? or just InteractMode?
Is this happening to all your apps? Try to create a sample app and go to InteractMode. But just for you to know sometimes you need to log in to and then select the app you want to see in InteractMode from your list.
Is this the situation you are trying to create?

Everything works fine as shown in the attached sample app.
I was able to re-create this situation and forwarded to our lead developer. Thank you for your feedback.