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Hi Jason,

Sorry for the confusion.  We have not unified the InteractBuilder software with the web site authentication process.  What you need to do is run the InteractBuilder and click the REGISTER button on the opening screen.   Register yourself and you should be all set.  

Once you register the software you can then share apps and when you share an app the recipient will receive an email indicating their user id (email address) and password to use when logging into the Player.

Let us know if this resolved your issue.


Planned for version 3.3 or 3.4.

Definitely something we are going to look at adding in the future.

The new iPad player has not been released yet, we are waiting for Apple to approve it. I assume their announcements today helped delay things.  Can you share an app with us that demonstrates some of the problems you are having.  We tested in Windows extensively and have not run into the same issues.

Thank you Charmaine.  Version 3.3 is actively being worked on and has some more amazing improvements and new features.  Your feedback has helped us tremendously in improving our product and we greatly appreciate your input!

Should be fixed in version 3.2.5

See if this happens in the latest version 3.2.5.  The iPad version of the Player should be available a little later this week.

Do you have this problem only for this book or for all of them?

Try reinstalling the program but first make sure all of the files are removed when you uninstall the program.

Please create a single page sample.  What you are trying to do doesn't sound like "too much".

What we might do is provide the user the ability to keep a list of favorite behaviors, moving it to the top level is not possible because the top level is used for behavior categories.