
Intersect Action Bug

Charmaine Anderson 12 years ago updated by Alin Alexandru Matei 12 years ago 0

I get the error message noted below after I set an Intersect action using two static image elements.  (I'm trying to make a drag and drop "puzzle" behavior, so one graphic element on Drag will Move > follow Me and on Drag End, will drop on top of an empty puzzle piece (graphic element) when they Intersect.  If there is a better way to do this type of thing, kindly advise.  Thanks much!

To reproduce:
Assign a Drag > Follow Me action to a graphic element on the stage.

Assign a Drag End > Drop action to the same element

Designate another graphic element on the stage to be the target of the Intersect.

Click Intersect on the IB3 UI.  

Make first element intersect the second element and assign a behavior. (In this instance I assigned a "blink" action.)

Preview in Interact mode.  

Note the follow me action seems to have a mind of its own and doesn't always follow you.  The first element sometimes moves to the bottom of the screen.

Go back to Design mode and try to modify the intersection by clicking the Intersect icon.  The program throws the error below.  

Note also that it is confusing that the ability to edit an intersection isn't available on the Element Actions panel.  It would be nice to be able to modify it from the element actions if possible.

InteractBuilder Version: 3.2 Build 307

Device: MacBook Pro

Processor: Intel Core i7

Memory: 4 GB

System: 10.7.5


An application error occurred while attempting to perform the last action.

Restarting InteractBuilder is recommended.

An application error occurred while attempting to perform the last action.

Restarting InteractBuilder is recommended.

Error: Chunk: can't find background / Chunk: can't find object / Object: does not have this property / put: error in expression

Handler: redrawTable


Location: Line 386, char 20

Object: button id 70090 of card id 1002 of stack "IBResources" of stack "/Applications/InteractBuilder.app/Contents/MacOS/Local Components/Data/InteractBuilder.livecode"

87: Line 386 at char 20: Chunk: can't find background

77: Line 386 at char 20: Chunk: can't find object

456: Line 386 at char 8: Object: does not have this property

465: Line 386 at char 1: put: error in expression

241: Line 386 at char 1: Handler: error in statement ----> redrawTable

353: Line 0 at char 0: Object Name: ----> button id 70090 of card id 1002 of stack "IBResources" of stack "/Applications/InteractBuilder.app/Contents/MacOS/Local Components/Data/InteractBuilder.livecode"

573: Line 132 at char 1: Handler: can't find handler ----> redrawTable

253: Line 128 at char 1: if-then: error in statement

253: Line 27 at char 1: if-then: error in statement

253: Line 19 at char 1: if-then: error in statement

241: Line 19 at char 1: Handler: error in statement ----> uSTSTableView

353: Line 0 at char 0: Object Name: ----> button id 70090 of card id 1002 of stack "IBResources" of stack "/Applications/InteractBuilder.app/Contents/MacOS/Local Components/Data/InteractBuilder.livecode"

449: Line 113 at char 7: Object: can't set object property

535: Line 113 at char 1: set: can't set property

253: Line 112 at char 1: if-then: error in statement

241: Line 112 at char 1: Handler: error in statement ----> PopOver_GoSection

353: Line 0 at char 0: Object Name: ----> button id 380192 of card id 1002 of stack "IBResources" of stack "/Applications/InteractBuilder.app/Contents/MacOS/Local Components/Data/InteractBuilder.livecode"

675: Line 1036 at char 1:  ----> PopOver_GoSection

587: Line 879 at char 1: switch: error in statement

241: Line 879 at char 1: Handler: error in statement ----> DoButton

353: Line 0 at char 0: Object Name: ----> button id 1005 of group id 1010 of card id 1002 of stack "Behaviors" of stack "/Applications/InteractBuilder.app/Contents/MacOS/Local Components/Data/InteractBuilder.livecode"

573: Line 2 at char 1: Handler: can't find handler ----> DoButton

241: Line 2 at char 1: Handler: error in statement ----> mouseUp

353: Line 0 at char 0: Object Name: ----> button id 5000075 of card id 1139 of stack "/Applications/InteractBuilder.app/Contents/MacOS/Local Components/Data/InteractBuilder.livecode"

line 150 of handler "errorDialog" of button "stsErrors_FS" of card id 1002 of stack "libSTSErrors"

line 10889 of handler "DoError" of stack "InteractBuilder" of behavior button "Stack B" of card id 1002 of stack "Behaviors"



Should be fixed in version 3.2.5


We will work to fix this bug.


Should be fixed in version 3.2.5