layer change
I brought in a revised element into interactbuilder. I copied the actions from the element to be replaced, pasted them onto the new element and got this error:
InteractBuilder Version: 3.3 Build 325
Device: MacBook Pro
Processor: Intel Core i5
Memory: 4 GB
System: 10.6.8
An application error occurred while attempting to perform the last action.
Restarting InteractBuilder is recommended.
An application error occurred while attempting to perform the last action.
Restarting InteractBuilder is recommended.
Error: Chunk: error in object expression / Chunk: can't find object / Object: does not have this property / put: error in expression
Handler: ShowBehaviorTargets
Location: Line 1324, char 55
Object: button id 1012 of card id 1002 of stack "Behaviors" of stack "/Applications/InteractBuilder.app/Contents/MacOS/Local Components/Data/InteractBuilder.livecode"
69: Line 1324 at char 55: Chunk: error in object expression
77: Line 1324 at char 55: Chunk: can't find object
456: Line 1324 at char 29: Object: does not have this property
465: Line 1324 at char 1: put: error in expression
253: Line 1322 at char 1: if-then: error in statement
253: Line 1321 at char 1: if-then: error in statement
253: Line 1309 at char 1: if-then: error in statement
587: Line 1288 at char 1: switch: error in statement
490: Line 1282 at char 1: repeat: error in statement
253: Line 1277 at char 1: if-then: error in statement
241: Line 1277 at char 1: Handler: error in statement ----> ShowBehaviorTargets
353: Line 0 at char 0: Object Name: ----> button id 1012 of card id 1002 of stack "Behaviors" of stack "/Applications/InteractBuilder.app/Contents/MacOS/Local Components/Data/InteractBuilder.livecode"
573: Line 1247 at char 1: Handler: can't find handler ----> ShowBehaviorTargets
253: Line 1240 at char 1: if-then: error in statement
241: Line 1240 at char 1: Handler: error in statement ----> SelectBehavior
353: Line 0 at char 0: Object Name: ----> button id 1012 of card id 1002 of stack "Behaviors" of stack "/Applications/InteractBuilder.app/Contents/MacOS/Local Components/Data/InteractBuilder.livecode"
573: Line 18 at char 1: Handler: can't find handler ----> SelectBehavior
253: Line 14 at char 1: if-then: error in statement
241: Line 14 at char 1: Handler: error in statement ----> stsTableView_MouseUp
353: Line 0 at char 0: Object Name: ----> group id 4556844 of group id 4564281 of group id 4510993 of group id 4510989 of card id 1139 of stack "/Applications/InteractBuilder.app/Contents/MacOS/Local Components/Data/InteractBuilder.livecode"
675: Line 244 at char 1: ----> stsTableView_mouseUp
253: Line 212 at char 1: if-then: error in statement
253: Line 208 at char 1: if-then: error in statement
587: Line 204 at char 1: switch: error in statement
241: Line 204 at char 1: Handler: error in statement ----> touchMouseUp
353: Line 0 at char 0: Object Name: ----> button id 70091 of card id 1002 of stack "IBResources" of stack "/Applications/InteractBuilder.app/Contents/MacOS/Local Components/Data/InteractBuilder.livecode"
573: Line 184 at char 1: Handler: can't find handler ----> touchMouseUp
253: Line 183 at char 1: if-then: error in statement
241: Line 183 at char 1: Handler: error in statement ----> mouseUp
353: Line 0 at char 0: Object Name: ----> button id 70091 of card id 1002 of stack "IBResources" of stack "/Applications/InteractBuilder.app/Contents/MacOS/Local Components/Data/InteractBuilder.livecode"
line 150 of handler "errorDialog" of button "stsErrors_FS" of card id 1002 of stack "libSTSErrors"
line 14245 of handler "DoError" of stack "InteractBuilder" of behavior button "Stack B" of card id 1002 of stack "Behaviors"

Thank you for reporting this error. As a quicker way of updating a revised element, you can select the original element and assign the new image file to that element. This will maintain all of the actions sets but update the way the element looks.

You can change the image if you tap the Image in the element properties as shown below:

Thank you for reporting this error. As a quicker way of updating a revised element, you can select the original element and assign the new image file to that element. This will maintain all of the actions sets but update the way the element looks.
When you click on the element and see the properties window, below the element's name you'll see an "Image" field that says the name of the image file in your app folder. If you click there you'll be able to select an image from Dropbox, from the app, or from the files on your computer. When the image is changed, the action sets are maintained.
Customer support service by UserEcho
Thank you for reporting this error. As a quicker way of updating a revised element, you can select the original element and assign the new image file to that element. This will maintain all of the actions sets but update the way the element looks.
When you click on the element and see the properties window, below the element's name you'll see an "Image" field that says the name of the image file in your app folder. If you click there you'll be able to select an image from Dropbox, from the app, or from the files on your computer. When the image is changed, the action sets are maintained.