
First time frame animation: minor scale down of element

Ranco 11 jaar geleden bijgewerkt door Ezra Weinstein (Administrator) 11 jaar geleden 4
For every single frame animation in my book, the first time I activate it, it scales down just a bit (~1-2 pixels) before the animation starts. Next time, it works fine, without the scale (or maybe it is already scaled down?)
See example Here


We were able to recreate this bug and we are working on a fix. Thank you for letting us know.
I just found out that the correct image is after the click. Meaning - the image I see before the first animation is a bit larger than frame 001 of the animation.
Under review
Do you have a graphical element on top of the frames that triggers the frame animation? Also can you check to see if the frames have the same dimension.
They are all the same size. No element above - animation is triggered by clicking the animation element. 
When the animation frames are not the same size, we add a dot at 2 corners.
The scaling down is quite consistant - didn't anyone every notice that ?
We were able to recreate this bug and we are working on a fix. Thank you for letting us know.
I think 3.4.1 claimed to have fixed this bug (how can I see the release notes after installation?) but the issue still exists
Clear your cache, and you should see the fix.  Also the release notes are available right here:

Release Notes

We were able to recreate this bug and we are working on a fix. Thank you for letting us know.