Under review
manage action set tool bar replace error
Replace looks like it's working, but when I check the interactions aftwards it's not. I was using replace to put in a drag< move interaction to replace a drag<move and swipe<throw interaction. It looked like they were replaced but when I go back in it just added the new interaction to the set without erasing the old stuff.
Under review
Alin Alexandru Matei 11 jaar geleden
I tried to recreate this bug but the replace worked as it should for me. I replace a Swipe-Throw behavior with a Drag-Move behavior.Try to delete the interaction you don't need and let us know if it's still reappear after that.
Under review
I tried to recreate this bug but the replace worked as it should for me. I replace a Swipe-Throw behavior with a Drag-Move behavior.Try to delete the interaction you don't need and let us know if it's still reappear after that.
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