published in the major stores

sehovcovs aleksandrs 10 years ago updated by Inna Komarovsky 10 years ago 1
You can not publish in ITunes.
but why do not publish Google Play ,Windows Media,Amazon Marketplace ?
People are waiting for 9 months? That's impossible !!!!

you are stopped working?


Hi Alex,
We have not stopped working, and we are hoping to be able to publish apps soon. I really apologize. I'm personally not on the technical side, but I use InteractBuilder to create apps for InteractStudios, so I don't have a more detailed answer.
Hi Alex,
We have not stopped working, and we are hoping to be able to publish apps soon. I really apologize. I'm personally not on the technical side, but I use InteractBuilder to create apps for InteractStudios, so I don't have a more detailed answer.