
Question about Pen Names

starwing 10 years ago updated by Inna Komarovsky 10 years ago 1
Your Terms of Service mentioned users keeping their account details complete and accurate--and I wonder how this applies to the use of Pen Names?? I prefer to write under my digital persona rather than my legal name, which I try to keep as private as possible. Are users permitted to use a fictitious or alternate name on their profile and published ebooks produced with InteractBuilder?


Sure, you're welcome to use a pen name. As long as your contact information reflects information that we can use to reach you if needed and so that you can use your account to test or publish your app, you're all set.
Sure, you're welcome to use a pen name. As long as your contact information reflects information that we can use to reach you if needed and so that you can use your account to test or publish your app, you're all set.