
Add Export .pdf or ebook version option?

Charmaine Anderson 11 ár síðan updated by panistefanin 6 ár síðan 4
Not sure how difficult this would be for you to add to as an IB3 option, but it would be awesome if one could export a .pdf or ebook version of one's app so that one could also offer a version to those who prefer reading content on their Kindle for example, so one could sell it on Amazon.com.
I realize one would probably loose a lot of the interactivity and animation, but if it retained the static images, text and audio that would be rather cool.

Thanks for considering.



Should be available in version 3.5. It will be a premium member feature.


Should be available in version 3.5. It will be a premium member feature.

I like this idea but half my book is dependent on user interaction triggering new state of page. So each of my pages would have to be two pages. Please take that into consideration.

PS I assume this would be epub style - text image text etc etc? Could we have a UI to "snapshot" all the page states we need? This is almost another app IMHO.