Є відповідь

Draw Line

Jen Hoyte 10 років тому оновлено Inna Komarovsky 10 років тому 3
In the old version, the DrawLine allowed you to start drawing, stop, start back drawing in a different direction, stop, continue in a different direction and so on.  In this way you could get a bent line.
Now once the mouse is released, the line cannot be continued in any direction.
How can I get it to work like before?


Є відповідь
Hi Jen,
If you add a Drag-Move (Self) action set to the element, the effect should work as it did before, where you can continue adding to the line.

Є відповідь
Hi Jen,
If you add a Drag-Move (Self) action set to the element, the effect should work as it did before, where you can continue adding to the line.

Yep.  That did it.  thanks much.