adding font
Will we ever be able to add fonts to be embedded in app. I have a true type font I use for dyslexia that can be embedded (it is ttf and open source in license). I already know how to use it as an image but this takes away to do the ability of highlighted text. I really like to be able to do this ability but with a dyslexic font. It make things even better. I see that you have added ability to be able to add google fonts but currently other fonts even if they are installed in fonts on computer do not work if not a traditional font or one of the google fonts. I realize it has been done like this so far for compatibility issues. I am new to all this but if files are included with app why wouldn't they work just like when you embed fonts so a printer can print your book in high resoultion (dpi) eventhough the computer itself they are then printing from may not have fonts. I know more about printing then apps obviously. I am just trying to get started and find out what I can do.

mrmpdale 10 years ago
Is there no way to do what I want? There are so many fonts in this program. I just want to be able to use this one. :-(

Inna Komarovsky 10 years ago
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