
Backup from Ipad

Rodolfo Pinto 11 years ago updated by Ezra Weinstein (Administrator) 11 years ago 1

Something happened in my computer and some important files (ipicturebook_user.rdb) have been deleted. So, my question is:
It´s possible to have the project that i already have in Ipad app? All the files..back to my me?

BEst regards



We can actually pull your file from the cloud.  Let us know the app name that you need and we can email you a link to the file.  Also let us know the builder account (email address) that you used when you shared the app.


We can actually pull your file from the cloud.  Let us know the app name that you need and we can email you a link to the file.  Also let us know the builder account (email address) that you used when you shared the app.


We can actually pull your file from the cloud.  Let us know the app name that you need and we can email you a link to the file.  Also let us know the builder account (email address) that you used when you shared the app.


The name of the app is "Alfabook"... My builder account is "rodolfodu7@gmail.com"

Thanks and best regards