
Show hidden elements with {Page Timer} Is Greater Than {Value}

Anita Sølver 11 years ago updated by Alin Alexandru Matei 11 years ago 0
I thought I'd make a separate question for this.

I'm trying to make hidden objects appear on the page, after I have started a timer, but only one of them shows.
To reproduce:

  1. Make a timer (Timer1), a text element to start the timer (Start timer), and two text elements (1 + 2).
  2. On the start timer text element, set 3 action sets:
    Tap > TimerStart > Timer1
    Tap > TimerDisplay > Timer1
    (None) > Hide > (Self) << Make this a child behaviour of TimerStart
  3. Text elements 1 + 2 has the text 1 + 2.
    Set them to invisible in runtime
    Then make the following action set:
    (None) > Show > (Self)
    Condition: {Page Timer} Is Greater Than {Value}
    - Element: Timer1
    - Value (seconds): 0s
When you click the start timer, the timer starts.
Then one of the objects show up, the other does not.

Is it only possible to make one object show with a timer condition?
In this case, I could make the text elements a group (and hope I could make that work), but what if I had several totally different objects or groups, that should be shown after a certain time?

You can get an example app here with the page set up (and not working):

Perhaps I'm just missing something about how to do this.


This is a bug that it's fixed in the next builder version. Right now the solution for this is to chain a Show behavior for the Text 2 to the Show behavior set on the Text 1.
This is a bug that it's fixed in the next builder version. Right now the solution for this is to chain a Show behavior for the Text 2 to the Show behavior set on the Text 1.