
Notes element

Jen Hoyte 10 aastat tagasi uuendatud 10 aastat tagasi 3
I've created a Page Note element on a page.  Added a Page Load action to LoadPageNotes, and a Page Unload action to SaveNotes.
However, when I go to a different page, the Notes element remains visible on all the pages.
Am I using this correctly?  Thanks.


Sounds like you are, we will check on this and get back to you.
Sounds like you are, we will check on this and get back to you.
Actually you need to make sure you add a CLOSENOTES action set.  I am not sure if action sets are working properly on the Page Unload event so to be safe just add it to the action set that jumps to the next page.  If you are using the page corners as the default navigation methods, then place a transparent element on the right corners and specify the action set to be CloseNotes.
Got it.  Will try that.