
Add Duplicate Page option

Charmaine Anderson 12 years ago updated by Ezra Weinstein (Administrator) 12 years ago 0

It would be nice to have the ability to duplicate a page so one doesn't have to manually copy things to a new page. Perhaps add feature to the drop down Page options on top right of GUI and maybe on the right side of the screen under Duplicate.  If there is already a way to do this, please advise.



You can duplicate any page by accessing the Page Manager.  The Page Manager can be accessed by clicking on the top right corner (the app name), and then clicking on the pages icon on the bottom right.

For more information please see our user guide:

Duplicating a Page


You can duplicate any page by accessing the Page Manager.  The Page Manager can be accessed by clicking on the top right corner (the app name), and then clicking on the pages icon on the bottom right.

For more information please see our user guide:

Duplicating a Page