
Building apps for my clients?

Clint Sutton 12 years ago updated by Ezra Weinstein (Administrator) 12 years ago 2


In one of your videos on "Build Apps and make money with Interactbuilder" you talk about using interactbuilder to build apps for clients.  I would like to know how this would work?

For example, if a client of mine wanted me to build them a book app, and I built it in your interactbuilder software.  How will the client get it?  How would I deliver the final app to them?  Will the client have to have a publishing membership?

How exactly can I use your software to "build apps" as you have mentioned in your video?




Hi Clint,

The best way to handle this is for your customer to sign up to a publishing membership, but at the same time you could also submit the app to us by signing up yourself to a publishing membership, it's totally up to you.  

Basically once the app is submitted from the InteractBuilder we compile it and submit it to the app stores. If you want to use your own developer account we can transfer the app to your account or your customers account once we get it submitted.

As far as using our app, please watch our numerous videos, or look through our user guide to learn all about our software.  Our YouTube channel is: www.youtube.com/interactstudios.  You can download our software for free at: www.interactbuilder.com.


Hi Clint,

The best way to handle this is for your customer to sign up to a publishing membership, but at the same time you could also submit the app to us by signing up yourself to a publishing membership, it's totally up to you.  

Basically once the app is submitted from the InteractBuilder we compile it and submit it to the app stores. If you want to use your own developer account we can transfer the app to your account or your customers account once we get it submitted.

As far as using our app, please watch our numerous videos, or look through our user guide to learn all about our software.  Our YouTube channel is: www.youtube.com/interactstudios.  You can download our software for free at: www.interactbuilder.com.

Hi Ezra,

Thanks for getting back to me.  That makes sense, I would most likely setup my own membership, and then work it from there to any of my clients personal app accounts.

I have started using and learning Interactbuilder already for my own kids book apps,  and I find so far that it has allot more control over elements than most of the other internet app builders out there.  I have noticed a few bugs when it comes to implimenting animations and how they work in order and layers, but I'm finding ways around it.  Most of the time you really have to make sure you get the order correct when you put actions together.  And if you mess up and try go back it crashes, and it's best to start over again.

I am looking foreward to seeing what else you guys will bring out for the builder!



Hi Clint,

Glad I was able to answer your questions, sorry it took a little longer than normal.  We are actually finalizing version 3.2 which fixes several bugs and hopefully resolves some or all of the issues you are running into.  We expect to release it today or tomorrow.  If you run into any issues or bugs after this release please submit feedback and if possible either the exact steps to recreate the issue or a 1 or 2 page sample app.  

Thanks so much,
