
Word Highlighting NOT activated after signup as Paid Publisher...

Charmaine Anderson 11 år siden opdateret af Ezra Weinstein (Administrator) 11 år siden 0
I just signed up as a Paid Publisher, hoping to be able to use the Word Highlighting feature, but it is not activated, it still shows the Premium > Click for More Info option in the Properties panel when I select my text element. I do not have the option to set word highlighting to Yes.  I would expect to see the Timing interface option accessible here now that I'm a Paid Publisher.  I did receive a confirmation from Paypal saying my transaction was successful and submitted to your company.  Is there a waiting period before premium features are activated after signing up as a PAID Publisher?  I tried rebooting and I still see the screen below.  I assume I should see something different than what I am seeing below enabling me to set the word highlighting timing…  Or is there somewhere else I am supposed to find the word highlighting timing option?  Please advise asap as I want to wrap up my app.  Thanks!

Image 150


Hi Charmaine,

Go to the Manage Screen and select "Login As Someone Else" from the Top Right menu (the icon of the person).  Log in again as your registered user, this should refresh your membership level and you should be all set from there.

Hi Charmaine,

Go to the Manage Screen and select "Login As Someone Else" from the Top Right menu (the icon of the person).  Log in again as your registered user, this should refresh your membership level and you should be all set from there.

Hi Charmaine,

Go to the Manage Screen and select "Login As Someone Else" from the Top Right menu (the icon of the person).  Log in again as your registered user, this should refresh your membership level and you should be all set from there.


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