
duration method reverts

SeanB 11 aastat tagasi uuendaja Inna Komarovsky 10 aastat tagasi 2
  1. Drag in frames to create an animation
  2. Add an animation behavior
  3. open the Frame Animation Editor
  4. change Duration Method from "Animation" to "Frame"
  5. enter a value for Duration of Each Frame
  6. close Frame Animation Editor
  7. re-open Frame Animation Editor
Expected: duration method is "Frame"
Actual:  duration method is "Animation" and some fat millisecond value has beat up my nice small value and taken up residency.


It is true that the next time we open the Frame Animation Manager the Duration Method will switch to Animation, but the value that is set is the total for all frames.
It is true that the next time we open the Frame Animation Manager the Duration Method will switch to Animation, but the value that is set is the total for all frames.