
Text Element - On Tap > Page > Jump Bug

Charmaine Anderson 12 years ago updated by Ezra Weinstein (Administrator) 12 years ago 0

Am getting consistent bug in Interact mode. 

When I assign a text element  Action: Tap > Page > Jump to a page number.  

In Interact mode when I click the text element, on Tap the desired page starts to load and then IB3 throws an error as noted below. 

This is happening consistently with the latest release of IB3.  I did my best to troubleshoot issue, but couldn't find root cause. Thanks for looking into this.  

InteractBuilder Version: 3.2 Build 307

Device: MacBook Pro

Processor: Intel Core i7

Memory: 4 GB

System: 10.7.5


An application error occurred while attempting to perform the last action.

Restarting InteractBuilder is recommended.

An application error occurred while attempting to perform the last action.

Restarting InteractBuilder is recommended.

Error: Chunk: can't find background / Chunk: error in object expression / send: bad target expression

Handler: Behavior_Animate_PlayFrame


Location: Line 0, char 1

Object: button id 1008 of group id 1010 of card id 1002 of stack "Behaviors" of stack "/Applications/InteractBuilder.app/Contents/MacOS/Local Components/Data/InteractBuilder.livecode"

87: Line 0 at char 1: Chunk: can't find background

69: Line 3899 at char 67: Chunk: error in object expression ----> button id 7474632 of group id 7474470 of card id 1140 of stack "/Applications/InteractBuilder.app/Contents/MacOS/Local Components/Data/InteractBuilder.livecode"

532: Line 3899 at char 1: send: bad target expression

253: Line 3894 at char 1: if-then: error in statement

253: Line 3872 at char 1: if-then: error in statement

241: Line 3872 at char 1: Handler: error in statement ----> Behavior_Animate_PlayFrame

353: Line 0 at char 0: Object Name: ----> button id 1008 of group id 1010 of card id 1002 of stack "Behaviors" of stack "/Applications/InteractBuilder.app/Contents/MacOS/Local Components/Data/InteractBuilder.livecode"

line 150 of handler "errorDialog" of button "stsErrors_FS" of card id 1002 of stack "libSTSErrors"

line 10889 of handler "DoError" of stack "InteractBuilder" of behavior button "Stack B" of card id 1002 of stack "Behaviors"



We will try to recreate and fix.

Fixed in version 3.2.1


We will try to recreate and fix.


We will try to recreate and fix.

Fixed in version 3.2.1