
Copy behavior settings

Charmaine Anderson 12 years ago updated by Alin Alexandru Matei 11 years ago 2

It would be nice if one could copy the action set settings from one element to another element on stage so you only have to modify one parameter to save development time. For example all elements on stage are doing same type of animated or transition behavior yet on tap they all call different pages.  So you'd only have to change the page number being called and not have to manually set the other similar behaviors.  I suppose in hindsight, one way to do this is  you could just duplicate one object after you set all its parameters and then swap the graphic  or text element out another graphic.  But if you've already set all your objects on stage how you want them, it might be a nice feature to have.  Thanks!



Hi Charmaine, you can do that by simply hitting Copy and Paste buttons in the Action Set Manager. I've attached a picture so you can see

You first Click the Copy Button then you go to the element that you want to copy those actions and after that you click the Paste Button.


Hi Charmaine, you can do that by simply hitting Copy and Paste buttons in the Action Set Manager. I've attached a picture so you can see

You first Click the Copy Button then you go to the element that you want to copy those actions and after that you click the Paste Button.


Is it possible to copy an entire action set. I'm only able to highlight one action to copy and paste. I'd like to be able to copy all four.

Cool feature!!!


At this moment you can copy only one action set at a time. But right now you can do a tricky method to make this possible: copy the element that have all  the action sets and then on the copy you replace the image of it.