
Enable Shift Select to Delete Multiple Pages from Global Page Manager

Charmaine Anderson fa 11 anys updated by Ezra Weinstein (Administrator) fa 11 anys 1

It would be nice to be able to go into the Global Page Manager and delete more than one page at a time, such as being able to Shift Select a range of pages or Control Click the ones you want to delete. You could add a confirm delete pages popup to eliminate user error as a safeguard.  This would allow us to quickly create a sample app of the page we are having a problem with (ie., first create a back up of the app and then deleting everything but the one page we want to share with your developer.)   Thanks for your consideration.



We are going to be adding a feature in a future version that allows you to import a page from an existing app.  This I believe would be a better way to handle your request.


We are going to be adding a feature in a future version that allows you to import a page from an existing app.  This I believe would be a better way to handle your request.

That would be great, thanks Ezra.