Fade in transition element bug
Problem: Transition of a hidden animated element does not work when controlled by another static element. This occurs when multiple static elements and animated transition elements are on same page.
Steps to Reproduce: Create a static element and a separted animated element that has a transition. (The static element will control the animated element). Set the animated element to be hidden on page load (in interact mode). Make the transition of the animated element linear and duration about 3 secs so It begins off screen on one side and resolves at the opposite side off screen (so it flies across the screen). Assign an on Tap action to the static element to Show > Fade in and Out the animated element, duration 3 or 4 seconds. Do this with four objects, ie two small static elements and two larger animated transition elements. In Interact mode, the transition will play fine when one static element is tapped, but when the second static element is tapped to make the other animated element play, the second animated element transition does not work, the object jumps immediately to the resolve point. The program also throws an error. I can't copy the error message as the program crashes.

Hi Charmaine,
I tried recreating this, but both are working, so I wanted to check if I have it set up the same way that you have it. Is it the static elements that make the animated elements animate across the screen, or do the animated elements animate repeatedly on page load?

This should be fixed in 3.2. If this still happens please prepare a single page sample for us.

This should be fixed in 3.2. If this still happens please prepare a single page sample for us.
Customer support service by UserEcho
This should be fixed in 3.2. If this still happens please prepare a single page sample for us.