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The materials for each app are stored in folders on your computer. Here's some information about where you can find the app folder: Where is the app stored on my computer?
Hi Eleisha,

Although the feature to access the camera roll is not available, one alternative I could think of would be to let the user draw his or her portrait on the passport using the drawing behaviors. This image can be saved to the camera roll if the user wants to keep the drawing, but it cannot be displayed again on other pages of the app apart from the page on which the user drew the passport.

If you do need to display the passport at different times throughout the app, like if you want to add stamps to the passport as the user completes different parts of the app, you can link back to the same page but use conditional counter behaviors to make new elements appear on the passport. Let me know if you'd like a sample of this technique.

Thank you for your feedback!
Hi Karen,
To make changes to an app, it needs to be published again as an update to the app. One exception to this is when you use a browser element on a page. This lets the user view a website within an app, and it will display the most recent content that is on the site. For more information about browser elements, you can read the basic description here: Browser Elements.
Hi Karen,
Could you give us some more detail about the effect you'd like to create?

One feature that might be useful is the Jump behavior. When you use this behavior on a page, the user can jump straight to a specific page without having to go through all of the pages one by one.

Let me know if this answers your question.
I am able to reproduce it, so I believe the problem is not caused by your computer.
Hi Sean, did this happen when you open InteractBuilder again? (It sounds like a rare instance that you can ignore, it shouldn't mean anything, but we'll look into preventing it.)
Hi! It seems this this might depend on the device's resolution. I'll let the lead developer know. Thank you for reporting this problem!
To get the spacing to look more natural, here are two options I would suggest:

1. If the text uses audio but no highlighting, you can create one text element with all of the text and place a blank graphic element on top of each word. Each graphic element could have a separate action set to play the audio of the word underneath it.

2. Another option if you're not using text highlighting would be to write the text in Photoshop and separate the words into layers before importing the file into InteractBuilder. This will import the words as graphic elements in the same location they had in the Photoshop file.