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Unfortunately we have not enabled the text highlighting feature yet.  You could still create your own highlighting by creating a frame animation.  I will ask someone to post the technique up as a video.

Version 3.2.1 should be released in the next few days.  We have this in the list of bugs that will be addressed.

Hi Clint, the way it works is that you can build and design your application in one resolution and the engine will proportionally resize the app based on the users device.  So an iPad application built using 1024 x 768 will run on a 1280 x 800 Android device and will proportionally resize the application up, but will still have a letterbox effect on the sides.

Since Android and Apple use very different ratios when it comes to screen sizes we recommend having two versions of your app, but again this is not necessary.   Currently when you publish to Apple or Android we only support one screen size, so for Apple we recommend sticking to 1024 x 768 or 2048 x 1536.


In the future we will actually allow you to store multiple versions of the app in the InteractCloud and the engine will be intelligent to check and see if there is a better resolution version available and it will download this version.

Charmaine, I am assuming you are running version 3.2.  Unfortunately we can't recreate this issue.  We all have Macs here and all the settings get saved when we create a frame animation.  Can you create a one page sample and send it over to me?

Currently there isn't but that is something we definitely want to add.

Serge, do you get this error on a brand new app?

We will upload new versions of the Player that will address this issue ASAP (hopefully by tomorrow).

Serge, can you describe the circumstances of this error?  What caused it? Did you just try to upload your app to the cloud?  Did you try a new app?

This actually looks like the program is having an issue updating the database.  You have an apostrophe somewhere that is causing the error.  Do you have a text element with an apostrophe, or maybe the title of your app. Obviously we don't want to prevent the usage of apostrophes, but that is what is causing the error. If you can narrow down for us where you have the apostrophe, we should be able to correct the error in the next update.

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